Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Can I give my dog, pepto bismol or some sort of olive oil?

For what? If she is sick to her stomach, it's better to withhold food and check with the vet. Definitely don't give olive oil or human meds without checking with a vet.Can I give my dog, pepto bismol or some sort of olive oil?
No. If it's sick, get it to the vet. Guzzle some olive oil and pepto yourself.Can I give my dog, pepto bismol or some sort of olive oil?
To the best of my knowledge, small amounts of pepto are ';safe'; but in my opinion, it's not a great idea to medicate your dog with out vet supervision. If your pup is feeling sick, withhold food (For a few hours), take it outside to eat some grass and use the bathroom and if it's not feeling better after a few days take it to the vet.
Agreed. It's a very bad idea to give your dog random things for stomach upset. Talk to your vet.

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