Thursday, January 7, 2010

What does olive oil do for your face??????

i sow on this persons question on tips for makeup and a couple ppl said olive oil. what does it do?? and where to i aply it? give me all the details. ill be sure to give a best answer out.What does olive oil do for your face??????
The vitamins contained in olive oil have a cell renewing effect they are also employed in the treatment of the elderly, as well as nourishing and protecting the skin. As foodstuffs are transformed into energy in our bodies, certain substances known as oxidants are formed. With the high levels of anti-oxidants it contains, olive oil prevents damage by harmful substances, renews our cells and delays aging in the tissues and organs. Olive oil is also rich in vitamin E, which suppresses the free radicals that destroy the cells in our bodies and cause aging.

For your face:

Basic Cold Cream

This recipe gives you a basic cold cream/moisturizer, which you can add to as you like with scented oils.

1 egg yolk, beaten

2 tbsp lemon juice

1/2 cup olive oil

1/2 cup vegetable oil

Combine egg yolk and lemon juice and stir with a wire whisk, gradually adding oils until mixture thickens. If it's too thick, add more lemon juice.What does olive oil do for your face??????
It is olive OIL. if you have a dry complexion any sort of light moisturizer would be good. However, please don't go slathering on the carapelli. Your face is not bread. The oil will clog your pores because it is thick. It is not meant for your face. However, an Olive Oil hair shampoo, like regis' version is very good for your hair because it is NOT STRAIGHT oil. Olive oil should go on or in your food. not your face :)
i think it really makes your face shiny.
anything to be sure you wanna put olive oil on your face.what for?you know it will be best if you consult a dermatologist.i thought olive oil made good pasta sauce..but on my face...?lol
r u sure it's for face?i do know what it does for makes your hair shiny and soft.i do not advise you to try it on your face if you have oily skin.i think this will worsen the condition and result in breakouts.
I love it....just took a shower with some... As for the face , I use it along with liquid vitamin E for skin is so soft and plump...i am 36 yrs old..and have baby skin, It is all natural and wont clog pores.

First wash face ..i like to use oatmeal soap..keeps black heads in check and exfoliates at the same time...anyways.... wash face while still damp( not soaking wet)......spread on face...and after shower...use as will love your skin....
It acts like a moisturizer basically but it's more natural and less chemicals, so less side effects. And always not too much ones a day is fine. You can also put it into your scalp for more healthy hair. Hope I helped you.
All I know is this. You apply a thick coating of olive oil to your face. Next, add some chopped roasted garlic and chopped basil. Then swipe Italian bread across your face for a yummy treat! (I'd wash my face first, though, if I were you). :-)

Seriously, I have no idea what olive oil does for your face, besides make it greasy.
Olive oil is good for someone with really dry skin.You usually apply it to the face for 5 minutes,then rinse it off.Or you can buy facial lotoins that have olive oil in them,but they tend to be expensive.
It will moisturize your face, but if you're oily, I'd stay away! Besides, any sort of food substance on your face is usually bad, since the bacteria that cause acne will feed on it (yuck, I know!).
olive oil gives u a shine to ur face, before going to bath apply it on ur face and leave it for 10 mins and then take bath.its really superb.u will feel fresh and also it removes the dirt not only in face u can apply it anywhere.try this out

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